Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 4

Up until around noon it was rough and I came extremely close to cheating.  Again I was really hungry and couldn't stop my hunger from consuming me.  But after a lot of help and support from my fan club aka my friends, I decided to keep truckin on. 

I figured out something very important too, I can't just have a drink then wait 3-4 hours for my next one, that's when I loose my energy and the craving to eat sets in.  So I made a bigger batch of my last two drinks and sipped them throughout the day until it was gone then I just made more.  This got rid of my craving to eat and kept me strong and energized.  I feel like I have finally made this juicing detox my bitch and I feel comfortable continuing. 

Here's today's recipe rundown.........

Morning: 1 orange, 1 orange bell pepper, 2 cups of baby carrots;  This was a great breakfast juice, tasted a lot like orange juice, 4 out of 5 stars
Afternoon: 1 medium cucumber with skin off because of the wax, 2 green apples, 2 cups of spinach;  this was very sweet because of the 2 green apples and you have to constantly keep stirring cause the juice separates but it was still very good to sip, 4 out of 5 stars
Evening:  1 green bell pepper, 2 pears, 1 green apple, 2 celery stalks, 2 carrots;  another good one, guess I was on a roll today......either that or I'm just really starting to get use to the turns out looking like mud but tastes great, 5 out of 5 stars

And hey lookie here I've lost about 6 lbs so far!!!

Weight  195.8 (lost 2lbs from before)
BMI  30.73

Day 3

Yep I forgot to post it yesterday, oh well I'm posting it now.......

Yesterday started off great!  I had energy in the morning, did a lot of errands with the hubby and son, even made another quick stop at a grocery store to pick up a couple of forgotten items.......then the trouble started.

We had been out for awhile and I hadn't had any juice in about 3-4 hours and was starting to get real hungry after being in the grocery store and watched my husband eat his lunch (he wasn't going to eat in front of me but he hadn't had anything since breakfast so I told him to go ahead, it was my fault).  I just started getting REALLY hungry and it just got worse when we got home.  About an hour after we got home I made my juice for the evening and it was DISGUSTING!!!  OMG I couldn't stand it, but I ended up choking it down anyways cause I didn't want to waste all the veggies and fruits.  Then the hubby and daughter had hot dogs for dinner and WOW I would have given my left arm for a flippin hot dog!  I was so hungry I started crying about the hunger pains and came really close to giving up and saying fuck it all.  But then Chad started reminding me of all the reasons why I was doing this and then Yahoo had an article about what really was in our food and of course I read it and got disgusted all over again (well played Yahoo, well played).  Between those things it gave me the strength to not cheat and concentrate on something else.  But it was really really hard; the hardest it has been yet.

Here was the menu for yesterday......

Morning: Same as the night before......... 1 yellow bell pepper, 1 whole cucumber (with the skin shaved off cause of the wax coating), and about a cup and half of pineapple.  Again I give it a 5 out of 5 stars (I think that's what I gave, if not I'm giving it a promotion)

Afternoon:  1 celery stalk, 1 carrot, 2 radishes, a large handful of green cabbage, and 1 green apple.  I give it 3 out of does not sound good but I happen to like radishes and the green apple and radish taste complement each other and basically erase all the other "bad" tastes.  So it was fairly good.

Evening:  about a cup and half of cauliflower, 2 large handfuls of kale (with the stalks), half a lemon, and 1 kiwi............0 out of 5..........gross gross GROSS!!!  I honestly don't think it was the cauliflower (since it was the first time I had added it to a drink yet) but just the combination of everything, it tasted very bitter and had a nasty aftertaste.  But considering I have been inventing my own recipe's during this whole process and this is the first awful one, I'm still going to say I got mad skills when it comes to juice tasting.

I weigh myself every morning before I have my first juice and here was today's weight and BMI......

Weight 197.8  (lost 2.9lbs from before)
BMI 31.04

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 2

Today was rough, EVERYTHING I had ever eaten sounded soooooooooo good and I could practically smell and taste each food item when I thought about it.  I had some mad hunger pains but kept drinking my juice.  I even made it through a grocery store trip with the hubby and baby today.  But another day is done and as of this morning I lost 1 pound.........WOOT WOOT!!  Yeah I'll celebrate real big when that number adds up to about 30 or more.

The juices I had today were as follows...........

Morning: about two handfuls of spinach, 1 granny smith apple, 1 carrot, a thumb size piece of ginger root, 2 celery stalks, and half of a cucumber ---- I give it a 3 out of 5 stars (next time I won't use so much ginger)

Afternoon: 1 red bell pepper, 1 medium size tomato, about a cup of baby carrots, and 1 orange  ---- 4 out of 5 stars, this was very tasty even though there was tomato juice which I'm not a fan tomato's though, lol

Evening: 1 yellow bell pepper, about 2 cups of pineapple, and a whole cucumber  ------  5 out of 5 stars........I love me some pineapple juice and I had to make this one a kind of "special treat" given I used so much fruit this time because everyone else was having pizza and it smelled wonderful so this kept my mind off from it and lifted my spirits.  Although I think from now on I will do the heavy fruit or real sweet ones in the morning for a jolt of energy and leave the leafy greens for dinner cause they make me sluggish.

And just FYI, I put a tiny sprinkle of chia seeds in every glass.  What are chia seeds you ask?  Well let me help remind you............"Cha, Cha,'s the chia pet".  Ya, no, seriously I put those exact seeds into my drinks because when you get them wet they turn into a natural gelatin and apparently latch onto toxins in your body and help you expel them faster and once they turn all soft and "jello" like you can't even tell that you are drinking them because they really are itty bitty, almost like grains of sand.

I also started drinking lemon water throughout the day when I'm not drinking juice.  Lemon water helps detoxify the body too (plus it keeps me hydrated too).  If you are squeamish then don't read this next sentence but I have not gone good ole #2 yet either since I started this, I am very afraid for when I do!  Hopefully I won't have to wait too much longer. 

Weight 200.6 (lost 1.9lbs from before)
BMI  31.49

Monday, February 18, 2013


Wanna know how I'm feeling after not having a single bite of food all day................I'm exhausted!!  I feel so weak and feel so tired I can barely see.  I have had a low grade headache ever since I was driving home from the dentist.  But here is the low down........

I had a total of 3 juices today.  I intended on having at least 1-2 more but unfortunately you can't run a really loud juicer with a sleeping 7 month old in the house taking naps throughout the day as I found out a few days ago when making juice.  All my juice drinks we're actually pretty tasty though the look of them was just insanely gross.......ranging from a deep sea green to raw sewage, so that doesn't help when you know you have to ingest it, but I just refused to look at it so I didn't psych myself out.  And I know what I will be doing different in the future.......write my recipes down as I make them, because I tend to forget them almost instantaneous after making them, that way I can write them down here and rate them on a number scale from best to worst tasting.

My mind has been playing tricks on me; I get done with a juice and I know my body has what it needs and I'm not really "hungry" but my mind says I need to "eat" something.  And then the flood of visions come into your head on everything you know you have in the fridge or pantry and how easy it would be to just go make something and chow down to your hearts content.  But I was a good girl and kept away.........then my husband had to go and make mac & cheese for dinner and I'm practically salivating on the couch just smelling it.  I wanted to hide in my room till they we're done eating but there I'm all alone in my thoughts and that can be a dangerous thing.  I mostly kept busy today hanging out with hubby and playing video games.  I know tomorrow is going to be worse but I'm trying to stay positive and think of all the reasons I'm doing this and hopefully it will be enough to get me through the next rough couple of days while I detox.

If I don't post tomorrow it's probably because I am staying away from my computer out of fear I will either throw it out of anger or try and eat it out of hunger......anyways, if you don't hear from me in a couple of days, just throw a T-bone and some mac & cheese my way and I'll come, kidding..........sort of =)

Day 1

I slept well last night, got up, fed my daughter and reaslized that she needed to stay home today because she was not feeling well so I sent her back to bed.  Then I had a large glass of water, got my son, handed him off to daddy and went and made my first juice of the day.

I used about 3 cups of dry spinach, half of the lemon, half of the cucumber, and a small thumb size piece of ginger root.  This was the best tasting juice I have made to date!  I LOVED it but next time I will probably add the whole cucumber and half of the apple cause it was a bit too sweet and I don't want all that sugar.

I did drink it slow cause I wanted it to last as long as possible.  But now I have a dentist appointment to go to (oops, forgot about that one).  So I will update later.

Here are my first stats using the wii fit:  I am putting my height in there only this once as a reference to just how tall I am...........and yeah, I'm fat but that is going to change =)

Height 5'7"
Weight 202
BMI 31.70
Butt 46.75in
Stomach 41.5in
Right Thigh 27.5in
Right Bicep 14in

Pretend I'm posting yesterday

Yeah, sorry about that I had every intention of posting last night but I actually fell asleep....I was WAY tired for some reason and passed out around 9 which is very unusual for me.

So anyways, we are just going to pretend that today is last night just for this post.....

The other day when I had my first try of juice and I said I would wait to see what came of it...........well I didn't have to hit the toilet but what I did get was really bad gas (I told you I was going to be blunt).  But I also got something good... LOADS of energy!!  I was ready to do anything and I think I pretty much did do everything.  I was way productive with my "daily" chores and accomplished about 3 days worth......oh yeah go me!

The juice was actually the worst I have made so far (but it wasn't really that bad).  Since then I have just been making up my own recipes and putting in what ever I feel like.  Like yesterday I did a 2 carrots, 2 very large had fulls of green cabbage, 1 mango, 1 orange bell pepper, and 1 kiwi and it was actually really really good.  I try not to put too much fruit into my drinks (1 fruit to every 2-3 veggies) because I don't want all that extra sugar, it kinda defeats the purpose of getting healthy and loosing weight.  I have had 3 drinks as of today (remember we are still thinking it's Sunday for now) and have enjoyed each one because I love the boost of energy I get and the way they make me feel.

 I must tell you though that when I said that I was going to cut out coffee/caffeine and sugar to prepare my body I kinda went into panic mode.  For some stupid reason my head kept on thinking that "OMG this is the LAST time I will be able to have this, or that, ooo or that.  So I must have one of everything before I can't have it anymore".  Yeah, so that didn't turn out to well.  I did cut out coffee, but I'm not a big coffee drinker anyways so that wasn't so hard; but sugar, yeah we're just going to move on, lol.

I am still worried if I will be able to do this all day long for 10-30 days!  I am going to need A LOT of encouraging and will probably have to watch the documentaries over and over again for inspiration and motivation.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Shopping and first drink

Well I didn't get a chance to go grocery shopping on Tuesday like I wanted too but I went yesterday and this is what I brought home to prepare for my fast.........

Now mind you some of this is to make baby food for my 6 month old.....I went to Walmart and spent about $50 on all this, I got organic when it was available.

So then today I made my first juice and just pretty much picked a random one off from Joe Cross's website using all the ingredients I had on hand.

Here is what I put in it........

1 cucumber, 3 celery stalks, 2 pears, and a handful of Kale

This is how much I got out of it........

It was actually a lot and I needed the small glass for the overflow (which I gave to my husband, who will also be doing the fast, but at a later date).

So how did it taste you ask?  My husband said it best.......warm and frothy.  And that's all I could think about the entire time I was drinking the glass, so it made my feelings toward it bias.  It could have been worse but it is defenitly not making it on my favorite flavors of the word.  I managed to drink the entire tall glass and I feel ok.  There is not that bad of an after taste so it is easily forgetable. 

Now I wait.  Wait for what you say?  Oh, well if this goes how everyone else first drink of raw veggie/fruit juice goes, I will be finding my way to lou within 30 min.  So we will have to see if my experience follows tradition.

If you are interested in trying this juice here is the link Celery, Cucumber, & Pear Green Juice Recipe

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Very slight change of plan

No, I'm not quitting or putting it off just changing what I do up until I start the whole non-solid food part. 

After doing more research on people who have done this before I have come up with a few things I want to start doing before I start to help with my critical detox stage (the first 3 -5 days). 

First, I am going shopping tonight for lots of fruits and veggies after I take a shower, yes shower comes first, then shopping

Second, I am going to start replacing one meal a day (maybe 2 by this weekend) with a juice to start prepping my body for the change in reduced calories and introduction of high volumes of vitamins and minerals (something my body isn't used to obviously)

Third, I'm cutting out coffee, and as much sugar as I can muster up enough will power to cut out.....again to prepare my body of not having any

In doing all of this now I'm trying to avoid having major withdraw problems with the beginning of my detox.  Anything I can do to lessen the possible cramps, hunger pains, and cravings will be most welcome.

This is NOT going to be easy

Never actually thought it would be, although they make it look so easy on the movie, but I can't seem to tame my cravings for sweets.  It seems after every meal I have to have something chocolaty or I can't concentrate on anything else till I have some.  How in the heck am I going to be able to drink nothing but fruit and vegetable juice all day long for 24/7 for up to a possible 60 days.........I'm freakin nuts!!

But, I'm tired of being fat, I'm tired of putting crap into my body, I want to wear a two piece bathing suit again and not feel ashamed in it, and I want to actually have my picture taken and be proud of it instead of shying away, so it will be worth it, I just have to keep telling myself that.

Well on another note, I have been looking up more recipes and some call for stuff I wouldn't eat raw.......I hate beets with a passion, I'm really not that fond of ginger unless I'm using it to have a detox bath (and even then I can't stand the smell), and honestly I have never even heard of kale until I started watching these documentaries so I guess I just have to hope that the other things that go into the juice will mask the icky ingredients.  But I guess it has been decided that I will start next Monday with my detox so that I won't be that bat shit crazy lady at my stampin craft club Sunday afternoon.  I'll post my weight and measurements then........just in case for some of you that's the only reason your here is to see how big I have really gotten =P  But it's all good, I'll be that much more proud when I have conquered this detox and maintained a healthy eating habit and smile as the pounds melt away (I hope).

Monday, February 11, 2013

Getting prepared

Well, there it is........The Breville BJE510 Juice Fountain Multi-Speed; although I like to fondly call it....."The Beast".  After watching Hungry For Change and became almost physically ill from learning about what really is in our food and how it can be linked to almost every illness on this Earth I decided then that I would start changing my eating habits. They referenced to juicing as a way to detox your body from processed food and it intrigued me.  So I watched another documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, which is all about this Aussie Joe Cross who weighed nearly 300lbs and had a rare auto-immune disease who travels to America and for 60 days fasts on fruit and veggie juice solid food.  Now the man ended up loosing 90lbs and his disease went away.  Then he ended up changing another mans life along the way, and helped him loose over 200lbs all by juice detoxing and then changing the way you eat; from crap to healthy.

The movies changed my life, the light bulb finally went off, and I decided to detox too and change the way I eat.  So after my husband watched the movies, he too joined the bandwagon and we splurged and got "The Beast".  It arrived last week and next week Chad is going on leave so that I can have him take over the normal day to day tasks of cooking, cleaning, take care of the kids, and what not so I could shut myself up in my bedroom till I'm no longer a raging bitch from detoxing from my favorite type of food......solid food.

I'm excited and scared all in one package.  I'm scared that I won't have the will power to cut off solid food from my diet and my cravings will be too strong.........or that the juice will taste so flippin awful that I'll spend my entire time puking it up.  But I am excited too that if I can do this fast for at least 10 days then I might extend to 30 (although I highly doubt I'll go further than that I definitely won't go longer than 60) and I will be well on my way to loosing weight and getting my body back on track to a healthier lifestyle.

 I'm starting this blog as just a way to keep track of my detox, so that if someone else wanted to try it one day they would see just exactly what I went through personally cause I don't plan on holding anything back.........if I'm having a shitty day, I'm going to make sure you know about it, plus I would like to have a record of me actual having gone through this so I can have the strength to do it again in the future if need be or to remind myself that it didn't work and I'm fucking nuts to even think it.......either way, it will be in writing.

I plan on writing every day at least once, more if I feel like it.  I will record my weight everyday and my measurements and BMI once a week using the wonderful invention Wii Fit Board.  Even though it makes sounds like an elephant just sat on it every time I step on it is still accurate and I will take great enjoyment in seeing my Mii shrink before my eyes.  

I don't plan on starting this juicing venture till this weekend, possibly even next Monday because I know have plans to get out of the house on Sunday and craft a bit with some old friends and I don't think they want to see detoxing, groggy, bitchy, homicidal me after all this time.  In days to come I'm going to do some more research on juice recipes and write down how much of each veggie/fruit I will need to make at least two to three days of juice worth (in order to keep everything as fresh as you can get at the local Walmart - shutter -I plan on shopping about 2-3 times a week; oh and trust me if I had a closer/healthier option to Walfart I would take it, but sadly I live in the boonies and I would spend tons of money driving back and forth 2-3 times a week to get to the closest decent grocery store 30 min away).

Ok well I think that is it for today........if anyone is out there that would like to "juicetox" with me let me know.  It would be nice to not go through it all on my own.