Monday, February 18, 2013


Wanna know how I'm feeling after not having a single bite of food all day................I'm exhausted!!  I feel so weak and feel so tired I can barely see.  I have had a low grade headache ever since I was driving home from the dentist.  But here is the low down........

I had a total of 3 juices today.  I intended on having at least 1-2 more but unfortunately you can't run a really loud juicer with a sleeping 7 month old in the house taking naps throughout the day as I found out a few days ago when making juice.  All my juice drinks we're actually pretty tasty though the look of them was just insanely gross.......ranging from a deep sea green to raw sewage, so that doesn't help when you know you have to ingest it, but I just refused to look at it so I didn't psych myself out.  And I know what I will be doing different in the future.......write my recipes down as I make them, because I tend to forget them almost instantaneous after making them, that way I can write them down here and rate them on a number scale from best to worst tasting.

My mind has been playing tricks on me; I get done with a juice and I know my body has what it needs and I'm not really "hungry" but my mind says I need to "eat" something.  And then the flood of visions come into your head on everything you know you have in the fridge or pantry and how easy it would be to just go make something and chow down to your hearts content.  But I was a good girl and kept away.........then my husband had to go and make mac & cheese for dinner and I'm practically salivating on the couch just smelling it.  I wanted to hide in my room till they we're done eating but there I'm all alone in my thoughts and that can be a dangerous thing.  I mostly kept busy today hanging out with hubby and playing video games.  I know tomorrow is going to be worse but I'm trying to stay positive and think of all the reasons I'm doing this and hopefully it will be enough to get me through the next rough couple of days while I detox.

If I don't post tomorrow it's probably because I am staying away from my computer out of fear I will either throw it out of anger or try and eat it out of hunger......anyways, if you don't hear from me in a couple of days, just throw a T-bone and some mac & cheese my way and I'll come, kidding..........sort of =)

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