Monday, February 18, 2013

Pretend I'm posting yesterday

Yeah, sorry about that I had every intention of posting last night but I actually fell asleep....I was WAY tired for some reason and passed out around 9 which is very unusual for me.

So anyways, we are just going to pretend that today is last night just for this post.....

The other day when I had my first try of juice and I said I would wait to see what came of it...........well I didn't have to hit the toilet but what I did get was really bad gas (I told you I was going to be blunt).  But I also got something good... LOADS of energy!!  I was ready to do anything and I think I pretty much did do everything.  I was way productive with my "daily" chores and accomplished about 3 days worth......oh yeah go me!

The juice was actually the worst I have made so far (but it wasn't really that bad).  Since then I have just been making up my own recipes and putting in what ever I feel like.  Like yesterday I did a 2 carrots, 2 very large had fulls of green cabbage, 1 mango, 1 orange bell pepper, and 1 kiwi and it was actually really really good.  I try not to put too much fruit into my drinks (1 fruit to every 2-3 veggies) because I don't want all that extra sugar, it kinda defeats the purpose of getting healthy and loosing weight.  I have had 3 drinks as of today (remember we are still thinking it's Sunday for now) and have enjoyed each one because I love the boost of energy I get and the way they make me feel.

 I must tell you though that when I said that I was going to cut out coffee/caffeine and sugar to prepare my body I kinda went into panic mode.  For some stupid reason my head kept on thinking that "OMG this is the LAST time I will be able to have this, or that, ooo or that.  So I must have one of everything before I can't have it anymore".  Yeah, so that didn't turn out to well.  I did cut out coffee, but I'm not a big coffee drinker anyways so that wasn't so hard; but sugar, yeah we're just going to move on, lol.

I am still worried if I will be able to do this all day long for 10-30 days!  I am going to need A LOT of encouraging and will probably have to watch the documentaries over and over again for inspiration and motivation.

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