Monday, February 11, 2013

Getting prepared

Well, there it is........The Breville BJE510 Juice Fountain Multi-Speed; although I like to fondly call it....."The Beast".  After watching Hungry For Change and became almost physically ill from learning about what really is in our food and how it can be linked to almost every illness on this Earth I decided then that I would start changing my eating habits. They referenced to juicing as a way to detox your body from processed food and it intrigued me.  So I watched another documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, which is all about this Aussie Joe Cross who weighed nearly 300lbs and had a rare auto-immune disease who travels to America and for 60 days fasts on fruit and veggie juice solid food.  Now the man ended up loosing 90lbs and his disease went away.  Then he ended up changing another mans life along the way, and helped him loose over 200lbs all by juice detoxing and then changing the way you eat; from crap to healthy.

The movies changed my life, the light bulb finally went off, and I decided to detox too and change the way I eat.  So after my husband watched the movies, he too joined the bandwagon and we splurged and got "The Beast".  It arrived last week and next week Chad is going on leave so that I can have him take over the normal day to day tasks of cooking, cleaning, take care of the kids, and what not so I could shut myself up in my bedroom till I'm no longer a raging bitch from detoxing from my favorite type of food......solid food.

I'm excited and scared all in one package.  I'm scared that I won't have the will power to cut off solid food from my diet and my cravings will be too strong.........or that the juice will taste so flippin awful that I'll spend my entire time puking it up.  But I am excited too that if I can do this fast for at least 10 days then I might extend to 30 (although I highly doubt I'll go further than that I definitely won't go longer than 60) and I will be well on my way to loosing weight and getting my body back on track to a healthier lifestyle.

 I'm starting this blog as just a way to keep track of my detox, so that if someone else wanted to try it one day they would see just exactly what I went through personally cause I don't plan on holding anything back.........if I'm having a shitty day, I'm going to make sure you know about it, plus I would like to have a record of me actual having gone through this so I can have the strength to do it again in the future if need be or to remind myself that it didn't work and I'm fucking nuts to even think it.......either way, it will be in writing.

I plan on writing every day at least once, more if I feel like it.  I will record my weight everyday and my measurements and BMI once a week using the wonderful invention Wii Fit Board.  Even though it makes sounds like an elephant just sat on it every time I step on it is still accurate and I will take great enjoyment in seeing my Mii shrink before my eyes.  

I don't plan on starting this juicing venture till this weekend, possibly even next Monday because I know have plans to get out of the house on Sunday and craft a bit with some old friends and I don't think they want to see detoxing, groggy, bitchy, homicidal me after all this time.  In days to come I'm going to do some more research on juice recipes and write down how much of each veggie/fruit I will need to make at least two to three days of juice worth (in order to keep everything as fresh as you can get at the local Walmart - shutter -I plan on shopping about 2-3 times a week; oh and trust me if I had a closer/healthier option to Walfart I would take it, but sadly I live in the boonies and I would spend tons of money driving back and forth 2-3 times a week to get to the closest decent grocery store 30 min away).

Ok well I think that is it for today........if anyone is out there that would like to "juicetox" with me let me know.  It would be nice to not go through it all on my own.

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